Academic Affairs And Support: Honors Course Descriptions

Undergraduate 2024-2025

HON 200 Honors Current Topics (0-3)
Each semester, students will examine a current world issue that has implications for many academic disciplines and many different aspects of contemporary life. Topics will change with each offering. Course will be a seminar format and will include a set of public forums on the semester's topic.

HON 201 Honors Experience I (1)
Sophomore students in the Honors Program will engage with one another and interact with guest speakers through a semester-long series of talks and events focusing on service, leadership, innovation, and a wide variety of specific subject areas. Opportunities for attendance and participation are flexible to allow for busy schedules. Students will reflect on the value of these experiences through the maintenance of a journal, periodic group discussions, and active service to the Mount community.

HON 261 HON:United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:Global & Local (3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status, e.g., 28 completed credit hours, minimum GPA 2.0, Honors Director approval
In this course, students will travel to New York for a three-day orientation to the Millennial Goals of the United Nations. While there, they will tour the United Nations, visit with a mission from another country to see how the goals affect that country, and have an opportunity for conversation with United States representatives to the UN. They will also learn about Elizabeth Ann Seton's life in New York by visiting significant locations from her life such as Ellis Island and Episcopal and Catholic churches. During the semester, students will research one of the Millennial Goals and its connection to local issues. Students will also serve a local organization with some connection to the UN Millennial Goals.

HON 261S Serv Lrng:United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:Global & Local (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): HON 261
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.

HON 263 HON:Museums,Monuments & Meaning (3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CORE 115
In this course, students will travel to Washington, DC and experience the richness of their history by visiting and reflecting on significant monuments and museums there. During the subsequent semester, they will explore together the stories of people who experienced events memorialized in the monuments and museums.

HON 301 Honors Experience II (1)
Third-year students in the Honors Program will engage with one another and interact with guest speakers through a semester-long series of talks, and events focusing on scholarship, service, and a wide variety of specific subject areas. Opportunities for attendance and participation are flexible to allow for busy schedules. Course activities will culminate with presenting at or attending Mid East Honors Association conference or equivalent conference in student’s major discipline.

HON 400 Honors Capstone (1)
In this course, students will develop and give a presentation in which they describe one aspect of their undergraduate experience through the lens of the baccalaureate learning outcomes and performance indicators. Students and professor will meet at mutually agreeable times to report progress and/or confront challenges. Student presentations may be individual or in small groups, depending on the topic, but each student's portion of the presentation should be at least 10 minutes. Student presentations should include audio and/or visual materials, but do not need to use PowerPoint.