MGL 300 Management/Organizational Behavior (3)
Examine the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to lead and participate effectively in organizations. Emphasis will be on the functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling), on understanding the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations (perception, motivation, group dynamics), and the impact of technology on organizations.
MGL 301 Leadership Foundations (3)
Explores the meaning and importance of leadership in our time, culture, and organizations. Emphasizes the importance of developing leadership as individuals and within organizations. The course focuses on theories of leadership and how they are applied to include leadership styles, behaviors, and skills.
MGL 310 Human Resource Management (3)
Explores topics involving the management of people through the employee lifecycle, including recruitment, interviewin , selection, assessments training, job analysis and design, salary and benefits, performance management, discipline, and grievances. Also included are topics such as diversity, inclusion, equity, organizational culture, policy management, including Family and Medical Leave, Americans with Disabilities Act and other compliance and legal regulations.
MGL 325 Project Management (3)
Comprehensive overview of the elements of modern project management, including project initiation, project planning, and project execution. Explores project management in the context of leading change for the organization. Dimensions and elements of project management, concepts, methodologies, strategies, and structures will be examined.
MGL 332 Operations Management (3)
Explores operational functions, processes and tools needed to run the organization, with particular focus on production of goods and services. Includes quality planning and control, scheduling, inventory management, and product and process design.
Decision-making strategies and governance, as well as the intersection of operations management with other organizational functions are examined.
MGL 345 Conflict Management and Negotiations (3)
Addresses conflict management theories and negotiation strategies, as well as the needed analytical skills to develop optimal solutions for a variety of settings.
MGL 375 Nonprofit Management (3)
This course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead and manage a nonprofit organization. The course explores governing boards, partnerships, advocacy and lobbying, fundraising, grants, innovation, international nonprofits and other important topics associated with nonprofit management.
MGL 435 Strategic Management (3)
This course integrates core business concepts in examining and developing organizational strategy. Frameworks for assessing the organization are applied. Through critical thinking, processes, and tools, plans are developed to achieve organization mission. Leader roles in guiding decision-making and implementation of plans are considered and applied.
MGL 450 Contemporary Issues and Perspectives in Leadership (3)
Examination of contemporary issues and perspectives of leadership with a focus on current findings and innovative practices related to the leadership processes. Students will explore emerging issues facing organizational leaders. Topics will be timely, relevant to today's organizations, and have practical leadership implications.
MGL 453 Current Topics in Management (3)
Covers selected topics in management. May be repeated more than once based on the specific contents of the course with advisor's permission.
MGL 480 Group Dynamics & Team Building (3)
Examination of formation, function, and leadership of teams. Addresses how and when to use teams to improve organizational performance and effectiveness including exploration of group dynamics. Topics are comprised of stages of group development, intragroup processes and challenges, team problem solving, and collective decision making.
MGT 335 Understanding Quality Management (3)
Prerequisite(s): MGT 300
This course examines the role quality plays in today's workplace. IT surveys major approaches to quality, quality management concepts, tools, and the major approaches of Deming, Juran, and others. Systems thinking, continuous improvement, and customer value strategy are emphasized.
MGT 335H HON:Understanding Quality Management (0)
Concurrent requisite(s): MGT 335
Course description as stated in MGT 335 (Honors Course)
MGT 396 Cooperative Education Work Experience: Parallel
(1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220
A business related work experience supervised by a business faculty member in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded as a general elective upon completion of the work experience and documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.
MGT 461 Leadership & Politics of Power (3)
Prerequisite(s): MGT 300
The study of various aspects of leader/follower transactions as a basis for understanding the political power structure of organizations with its implications for management, design and performance.
MGT 461H Honors Leadership & Politics of Power (0)
Course description as stated in MGT 461 (Honors Course)
MGT 490 Seminar in Management (1-3)
The course covers selected management topics in depth
MGT 492 People in Organizations (3) LAS
New Course
Prerequisite(s): PSY 103 or MGT 300
Crosslisted PSY 420. This course explores individual, group and organizational processes to increase understanding of self and others in organizations. Emphasizes awareness, self-development, and self-management in the context of organizational issues such as conflict resolution, team performance, and leadership.
MGT 496 Cooperative Education Work Experience: Alternating
(1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220
A business related work experience supervised by a business faculty member in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded as a general elective upon completion of the work experience and documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.
MGT 499 Independent Study (1-3)
Independent Study Course
MKT 300 Principles of Marketing (3)
Explores the marketing concept of customer orientation focusing on product development, pricing, distribution, promotion, and achievement of organizational objectives.
MKT 300S Serv Lrng:Prin of Marketing (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 300
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 311 Principles of Retailing (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Conventional department stores, discount department stores, variety stores, etc., are examined in the context of the "retail revolution." Buying methods, pricing, management merchandising techniques, store locations and equipment, sales promotion, customer service, and data processing are among topics discussed.
MKT 311S Principles of Retailing (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 311
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 356 Advertising (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
The course is a survey of the principles and practices of advertising. It covers the social and economic significance of advertising, its relation to business organization, the importance of an advertising plan, the preparation of advertisements, and the selection of media. No prerequisites. COM 200 and MKT 300 recommended.
MKT 357 Professional Selling (3)
Presents a behavioral approach to persuasion in the business transaction. The social and psychological elements of effective communication are emphasized. Individual and group presentations will be evaluated.
MKT 357S Serv Lrng:Professional Selling (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 375
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 365 Consumer Behavior (3) LAS
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Examines consumer behavior, broadly defined, from the perspectives of consumer psychology and marketing. Psychological theories and concepts are used to understand our behaviors as consumers and the application of psychological theories and concepts in developing effective marketing strategies.
MKT 365S Serv Lrng: Consumer Behavior (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 365
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 371 International Marketing (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Develops competency in evaluating and applying concepts essential to the executive operating in an international environment; describes international trade, customs in both the global and multinational marketplace, legalities, and advertising techniques.
MKT 377 Digital Marketing (3)
New Course
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
This course examines social media from a marketing perspective, including defining digital marketing goals for a brand; identifying consumer targets; selecting digital marketing platforms; planning, designing, and deploying content; and using analytics to drive strategic decisions about digital marketing.
MKT 392 Direct Marketing (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Provides students with an overview of how direct marketing is an integral part of an organization's total marketing program. All aspects of direct marketing are surveyed, from decision making to customer segmentation to the media and creative elements of direct marketing and promotion.
MKT 392S Serv Lrng:Direct Marketing (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 392
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 396 Cooperative Education Work Experience: Parallel
(1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220
A business related work experience supervised by a business faculty member in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded as a general elective upon completion of the work experience and documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.
MKT 415 Marketing Research (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300 and MTH 174
Emphasizes the role of market research in marketing management. It includes planning research design, observation, experiment, and simulation. It also covers the execution of survey design: questionnaire construction, sample design, interviewing, tabulation, analysis, interpretation of results, and presentation.
MKT 420 Marketing Management (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Provides an understanding of the administration and the management of the marketing function including the treatment of marketing planning and strategy.
MKT 420S Serv Lrng:Marketing Management (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): MKT 420
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
MKT 453 Current Topics in Marketing (3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300
Covers selected topics in marketing. May be repeated more than once based on the specific contents of the course with advisor's permission.
MKT 490 Seminar in Marketing (1-3)
Prerequisite(s): MKT 300 and permission of instructor
Examines selected marketing topics in-depth through readings and group discussion. May be repeated more than once based on the specific contents of the course with advisor's permission.
MKT 496 Cooperative Education Work Experience: Alternating
(1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220
A business related work experience supervised by a business faculty member in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded as a general elective upon completion of the work experience and documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.