PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3) CEP
An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes, including the basic terminology, methods, principles, and theories of psychology.
PSY 103H HON:Intro Psychology (3) CEP
Course description as stated in PSY 103 (Honors Course)
PSY 103S Serv Lrng:Intro Psychology (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 110 Careers in Psychology (1)
New Course
In this course, students will learn about a variety of career paths in Psychology as well as applications of psychology in additional career settings. This seminar course will involve class discussion, reflective writing, and perspective from guest speakers in the field.
PSY 204 Lifespan Development (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
A comprehensive study of human development from conception through death. Theories and research including physical, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of development.
PSY 204H HON:Lifespan Development (3)
Course description as stated in PSY 204 (Honors Course)
PSY 204S Serv Lrng:Lifespan Development (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 204
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 205 Child/Adolescent Development (3)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 103 or PSY 103H
A comprehensive study of human development from conception through adolescence. Principles and theories of development with emphasis on their application to the prenatal, infancy, childhood, and adolescent stages of life. Effects of genetic and social factors on the adaptive capacities of the child. Emphasis on empirically-obtained information. [Not intended for students taking PSY 204.]
PSY 207 Educational Psychology (3)
New Course
Educators must design learning experiences based on sound research and theory. This course provides an overview of major educational theories and the associated research for understanding student factors, environments, instructional strategies and interactions that promote learning. A focus is on the development of reflective practice which draws upon this knowledge to make and justify effective teaching decisions.
PSY 208 Social Psychology (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H or SOC 103
Crosslisted SOC 208. The study of how we think about, relate to and influence one another. Social perception, attitudes, social influence, prejudice, aggression, and attraction are examined.
PSY 208S Serv Lrng:Social Psych (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 208
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 210 Sensation and Perception (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Students will examine the processes of vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch through a combination of lecture, discussion, and both in and out of class activities.
PSY 212 Domestic Violence (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
This is an interdisciplinary course that looks at the issue of domestic/interpersonal violence from various disciplines (culture, history, health care, criminal justice, psychology, economics, politics, etc.) to assist students in understanding the complex nature of this problem. Students will explore possible solutions that utilize a combination of these disciplines and be able to reflect on how each discipline informs the other to create as well as exacerbate this complicated societal problem.
PSY 212S Serv Lrng:Domestic Violence (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 212
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 220 Health Psychology (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Examination of psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they become ill. Topics include behaviors that promote or compromise health, stress and coping, patient-provider relations, and management of pain and chronic illnesses.
PSY 225 Human Sexuality (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Biological, social and psychological aspects of sexuality. Issues related to communication, gender, dating, sexual behavior, pregnancy, roles, contraception, and sexual deviance and dysfunction are among the topics discussed.
PSY 225H HON:Human Sexuality (0)
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 225
PSY 225S Serv Lrng:Hum Sex Behavior (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 225
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 250 Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Examines scientific research on developing happiness and psychological well-being. Topics include, but are not limited to, the nature of happiness, self-esteem, developing successful relationships, and mindfulness. Students will learn some ways to increase their own levels of happiness.
PSY 275 Sport Psychology (3) LAS
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
This course is an introduction to the behavior in a sport environment and the mental skills associated with high-level performance in sport.
PSY 292 Forensic Psychology (3) LAS
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Crosslisted CRM 292. Persons with mental illness often come in contact with the legal system, and this course addresses major areas of that confluence from the perspective of a forensic psychologist. Topics include competency, sanity at the time of the offense, involuntary hospitalization, civil litigation, child custody psychological evaluations, psychopathy as it relates to criminal behavior, and the challenges associated with being an expert witness.
PSY 309 Social Influence (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H plus 6 additional hours in PSY
An in-depth look at how salespeople, governments, marketers, friends, and others influence our attitudes and behavior. A variety of influence tactics and ways of defending ourselves against them will be examined. Seminar format.
PSY 310 Cognition & Memory (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H and MTH 174
In this course, students will examine the major ideas and theories regarding human cognition and memory. This will include Information Processing, Parallel Distributed Processing, Semantic Networks, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Set Theories, as well as both implicit and explicit approaches. Students will examine this material through class discussions, activities and research projects both in and out of class.
PSY 310S Serv Lrng:Cognition & Memory (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 310
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 335 Psychological Testing (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Principles and applications of psychological testing. Technical and methodological principles (reliability, validity, standardization), ethical considerations and a survey of currently available tests.
PSY 340 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
This course covers characteristics, etiology and treatment of psychological and emotional problems. Students will develop a basic knowledge of psychopathology, and emphasis will be placed on reviewing treatments supported by current research. Throughout the course of the semester, students will also develop foundational skills in writing academic literature reviews.
PSY 340H HON:Abnormal Psychology (0)
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 340
Course description as stated in PSY 340 (Honors Course)
PSY 340S Serv Lrng:Abnormal Psych (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 340
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 342 Child Psychopathology (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
During the course of this semester, students will become familiar with psychopathology as it is manifested in children and adolescents. Topics and disorders covered will include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, developmental disorders, eating disorders as well as examining causes of child psychopathology, and their diagnosis and treatment. However, to fully understand psychopathology, a thorough knowledge of typical development is required. As such, we will be briefly reviewing typical development as well as the developmental theory of child psychopathology.
PSY 360 Biological Psychology with LAB (4)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H and BIO 131 or BIO 197
Examines how the human brain and nervous system influence our behaviors, including sensation, emotions, sleep and dreams, cognition, memory, and psychological disorders. Includes outside-of-class lab activities that allow students to gain experience and apply their learning.
PSY 375 Research I (4)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H, MTH 174 and 6 additional hours in PSY
An introduction to psychological research emphasizing ethics and the integration of research design and statistics. Observational, correlational and survey research are explored in conjunction with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis.
PSY 376 Research II (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 340 and PSY 375
A continuation of PSY 375. Use of more advanced research designs and statistical methods. Includes experimental design, single-subject research, and quasi-experimental methods.
PSY 380 Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H plus 6 additional hours in PSY
Examines a variety of controversial therapies (e.g., Thought Field Therapy), criminal investigation techniques (e.g., lie detection, criminal profiling), psychological tests (e.g., Rorschach Inkblot), paranormal claims (e.g., psychic abilities), and other psychological phenomena. Pseudoscientific approaches to gathering evidence for these phenomena will be compared to scientific approaches. Seminar format.
PSY 385 Personality Theories (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H and at least Sophomore Standing
This course covers the major theories used to guide research and practice in personality psychology. Theories include trait, cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic and humanistic perspectives. Students will apply concepts from these various theories to personalities of well-known figures to contrast the different perspectives.
PSY 385S Serv Lrng:Personality Theory (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 385
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 390 Counseling Theories (3)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
Several dominant paradigms of counseling and psychotherapy will be studied from both a practical and a theoretical perspective. Freud and Psychodynamics, Rogerian Person-Centered Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Reality Therapy, Existential Therapy, Rational-Emotive Therapy, and Behavior techniques will be discussed.
PSY 395 Schizophrenia Oral Histories (1)
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H
In this discussion based seminar, students will gain foundational knowledge in preparation for implementation of a project of their design that will be conducted in a subsequent course (PSY 395A). During this term, students will learn about schizophrenia, oral history design and methodology, The Schizophrenia Oral History Project (TSOHP), ethics involved in conducting academic work with vulnerable populations, and stigma related to mental illness as well as ways to challenge that stigma. Students will also take a strengths assessment to identify their personal leadership strengths. Then, at the end of the semester, students will submit a written proposal of a project that will contribute to TSOHP and utilizes their leadership strengths that they will implement in PSY 395A. Students and the instructor will complete a learning contract which will outline the specifics of the seminar.
PSY 395A Schizophrenia Oral Histories (1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H and PSY 395
In this course, students will implement a project of their design that will contribute to The Schizophrenia Oral History Project (TSOHP) and that utilizes their leadership strengths. (The identification of personal leadership strengths and development of the project proposal were completed at the end of PSY 395 in the previous semester.) During this term, the student will implement the project (or a part of it, depending on the size of the project) and at the end of the semester submit a written evaluation of that semester's work based on success of project and use of leadership strengths. Students and the instructor will complete a learning contract which will outline the specifics of the project. Note: This course will count towards experiential learning for the core curriculum.
PSY 396 Co-Op:Parallel(PT) (1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220 and permission of psychology advisor
A work-related experience supervised by a faculty coordinator in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded on successful completion of the work experience, documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement and evaluation of work performance. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.
PSY 397 Practicum (0-3) EXP
This course involves participation in pre-professional activities in a clinical and/or research setting. Credit hours are awarded based on type of activity and number of hours served.
PSY 398 Supervised Research (0-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H and Nine Semester hours of PSY
Students conduct research under the supervision of a psychology faculty member and /or researcher at an off-campus work site.
PSY 399 Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior psychology major
Students pursue a psychological topic independently under the supervision of a psychology faculty member. Instructor's approval required.
PSY 399H HON:Independent Study (0-2)
Course description as stated in PSY 399 (Honors Course)
PSY 399S Serv Lrng: Independent Study (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 399
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 400 Senior Thesis (3)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 375 and 376
Independent project that integrates the theory and research relevant to a student's area of specialization. A thesis project demonstrates research skills and growth in student's area of study.
PSY 400S Serv Lrng:Senior Thesis (1) EXP
Concurrent requisite(s): PSY 400
Service Learning is an opportunity to engage in service to others while making academic connections to course material. This one credit hour course requires 30 hours of meaningful community service. Students will serve a community partner accomplishing projects relevant to the academic course to which the Service Learning credit is attached. Students will also be required to engage in different forms of reflection such as journaling, group guided reflection, and a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor. Students will develop a greater understanding of social problems, a sense of responsibility to our surrounding communities, and an increased awareness of their own faith and values.
PSY 410 Great Ideas/History of Psychology
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C" or better in PSY 103 or PSY 103H plus 6 Additional Hours in PSY and Junior or Senior Standing
Students will gain a perspective on the modern field of psychology by examining its origins. The intellectual environment that gave rise to the field of psychology and important themes through which the field has evolved over the last hundred years will be examined. Seminar format.
PSY 496 Cooperative Education Work Experience: Alternating
(1-3) EXP
Prerequisite(s): CED 220 and permission of PSY advisor
A work-related experience supervised by a faculty coordinator in collaboration with the cooperative education staff. Credit is awarded on successful completion of the work experience, documentation of predetermined Learning Agreement and evaluation of work performance. Evaluation of work performed is on a pass/fail basis.
This course can be repeated for a maximum total of nine credits.