Non-Degree Student Pre-Registration

Information about Non-Degree Status & Pre-Registration

Non-Degree (non-matriculated students) are students who are pursuing course work, but have not been accepted through the Admission Office and are not enrolled in a degree program at the Mount. Students who plan to seek a degree from Mount St. Joseph University, must apply through the Office of Admission.

Pre-registrations are currently being accepted for courses that start in the following semesters: Summer 2025, Fall 2025

Certain kinds of course registrations will be processed on a space-available basis and may be held until closer to the course start date before being processed. This includes audits and senior citizen registrations for undergraduate courses and audits for graduate courses. You can access the entire catalog and specific semester policies from the Catalogs and Semesters Policies page.

How much will it cost? View the undergraduate tuition rates and fees or graduate tuition rates and fees. Summer 2025 falls under 2025-2026 rates. The general fee is waived for summer. Fall 2025 falls under 2025-2026 rates. Courses may have additional fees and will be noted in the course schedule. A link to books needed for each course is also available from the course schedule.


e.g., 222-22-2222
**Mount St. Joseph University requests your Social Security number (SSN) to comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules in providing you with a tax form at the end of the year.
Are you a U.S. citizen?
If not, are you a U.S. permanent resident?
If a non-resident alien, what is:


Are you a Mount alum?


Semester to register
(registrations limited to space-available will be held until 04/21/2025)
(actual registration will start 04/11/2025; registrations limited to a space-available basis will be held until 08/04/2025)
Program (choose one)

Your major/degree/acceptance will be listed as NONE.

Traditional and adult students must seek and obtain formal admission to the University before being permitted to acquire more than 13 credit hours. Traditional and adult students not admitted through the regular admission process are limited to attempting two courses (maximum six credit hours) per semester or during the entire summer session until reaching 13 credit hour limit. Traditional and adult transfer students in good standing from another regionally accredited college or university, who have not been admitted, may take their 13 credit hours in one semester or during an entire summer session.

Can't remember the course name or number? View the course schedules online

How do you wish to take the course(s)?
What does it mean to audit a course? View Auditing Courses in the Undergraduate Catalog or Auditing in the Graduate Catalog for more information.


Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino?
In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:


Gender F
Marital Status M D S W